

While entering another datapoint into my submission sheet, I discovered a curious thing: for three years running now I’ve submitted to WotF’s 2nd Quarter, and 2nd Quarter only. Apparently I have an internal timetable that reminds me every March that WotF is the biggest and best game out there.

Stress-Vomiting 1

Somewhere, I read a blog post about how unrealistic was the trope of characters throwing up while under mental stress. The writer pointed out that people rarely do that in real life, or rather, it’s a very specific reaction to stress. People don’t stress-puke generically. I would like to post the link for some of my college freshmen, but now I can’t find it. Does the description ring a bell for anyone?

A WordPress Rant

I’m currently building a website through WordPress that will bring all my multiple personalities together in one space. I haven’t started to design the visuals; I’m just working on importing content right now. I’ve already discovered several annoying things about the interface.   

Archeticture (Krell)

 Currently reading David Farrell Krell’s Archeticture: Ecstasies of Space, Time and the Human Body for academic reasons. This guy rolls in his language, revels in it, and it’s intensely enjoyable to read. He’s acutely aware of the rhythms and structures of his metaphors, to the point of self-satirization: "Professional philosophy is worse: utterly enamored of its own technical wizardry in argumentation, it runs its epistemological vacuum cleaner roughshod over everyone else’s language, scoring points each time an opponent’s ideas can be proven to be either false or trivial." (14) "We do not know if we are merely teasing ourselves with […]


Interesting fact of the day, which you might know but I did not: Okay or O.K., according to the Online Etymology Dictionary, dates from 1839, "only survivor of a slang fad in Boston and New York c.1838-9 for abbreviations of common phrases with deliberate, jocular misspellings (cf. K.G. for ‘no go,’ as if spelled ‘know go’); in this case, ‘oll korrect.’" It’s too bad I’m not a student of linguistics, because I can see a thesis right here on the evolution of this kind of slangy misspelling, from O.K. up through lolcats and lolspeak. I’ve been diverging from my review-only […]

Suvudu Cage Match 2010

So Suvudu’s Cage Match 2010 has finally concluded. (Suvudu is the Del Rey and Spectra site; the cage matches are between a series of fantasy character pairings.) Rand al’Thor (of Jordan’s Wheel of Time) has emerged as the ultimate champion. A lot of authors have been rooting for their characters throughout the progress of the cage matches, but what I enjoyed the most was Brandon Sanderson’s breakdown of how the battle should have ended. In his narrative, balefire erases Suvudu and all the defeated characters come back. My favorite quote, out of the ensuing chaos: Harry Dresden decides this is […]