
Cinemetrics 1

Cinemetrics This is a fascinating information visualization project. Wordle is a visualization of text, the homunculus is a visualization of the brain, and maps can be recreated and proportioned according to a number of factors, but I've never seen anyone do this with cinema before. As the creator points out, it is a time-based medium, and the additional dimension means that few people have tried to tackle a purely data-based representation. This makes me wonder: how could you visualize music, another time-based art? I'm sure someone has done it…

Milestones to Adulthood 1

In response to this unbelievable NYT article about why 20-somethings "aren’t growing up",  writes this open letter. "Why are so many people in their 20s taking so long to grow up?" asks the article. Here’s one jewel of a sentence: Others reach the milestones completely out of order, advancing professionally before committing to a monogamous relationship, having children young and marrying later, leaving school to go to work and returning to school long after becoming financially secure.  responds: Perhaps the article (or, rather, its author) is attempting to be progressive and hip by just glossing over the horrendous state of […]

Review Links 2

Somewhat off-topic, Clint Harris has a review of the Necronomicon (yes, that Necronomicon) up at Fantasy Magazine: Though essentially lacking pathos, a central protagonist, or a comprehensive notations guide to the strange terms and Escher-esque illustrations that boggled the mind, I found the book to be a triumph of the spirit. It’s clever and quite funny; you should read it. ETA: Read the comments too. You can clearly hear the swishing sound as the joke passes over some people’s heads.