abyss & apex

Structural Elements, Abyss & Apex 2Q 2014

Belated announcement… my short story "Structural Elements" is up as part of Abyss & Apex's 50th issue! A&A has always been pretty high up on my list for submissions, so I'm happy to finally have something that they found a good fit! And especially for so important a milestone as a 50th issue–they are a quality magazine and it's good to have them still alive and kicking, long past the average lifespan of other 'zines. Sam Tomaino reviews this issue at SFRevu, and calls "Structural Elements" a "luxurious, rich fantasy." Also, my current WIP is a YA fantasy novel set […]


While at the moment I don’t have the time for a novel (to read or to review), I thought I’d link to a few short stories that I’ve found exceptional in the past. I’ll probably add to this list as I find or recall others. These have been published in Baen’s Universe, Abyss & Apex, Ideomancer, IGMS, ChiZine, and Lone Star Stories. "Cryptic Coloration" (Elizabeth Bear, Baen’s Universe). A Promethean Age story from Elizabeth Bear, set before the events of Blood & Iron with Matthew as a central character. Hard to pinpoint why I like this one so much, but the […]