Monthly Archives: December 2010

Book List 2010

I had a grand plan to read three of the books I got for Christmas before the 31st, so that I could add them to this disgracefully small list. But I have a much better understanding of my limits, these days, so I admit that it won’t happen. With no further ado, then:

Dead to Me (Anton Strout)

Dead to Me Anton Strout Is it just me, or is there serious sexual tension between Simon and Connor? Ever since the scene early on when an antiques hawker takes them for a couple and Connor plays along, I could feel the undercurrents. Even while Simon is developing his heterosexual relationship with Jane, whenever he’s thinking about Jane, Connor isn’t far behind in his thoughts. Then there’s this symbolic moment at the end, where Simon’s ribs are so injured that he can’t walk, and needs help: "I can help you get through the theater at the very least."Though Jane still […]

Archeticture (Krell)

 Currently reading David Farrell Krell’s Archeticture: Ecstasies of Space, Time and the Human Body for academic reasons. This guy rolls in his language, revels in it, and it’s intensely enjoyable to read. He’s acutely aware of the rhythms and structures of his metaphors, to the point of self-satirization: "Professional philosophy is worse: utterly enamored of its own technical wizardry in argumentation, it runs its epistemological vacuum cleaner roughshod over everyone else’s language, scoring points each time an opponent’s ideas can be proven to be either false or trivial." (14) "We do not know if we are merely teasing ourselves with […]